The Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment program began accepting applicants in 2017 and is the only program of its kind in the South Pacific. Known as the Vanuatu Citizenship Development Support Program, it is one of the quickest paths to second citizenship through investment.
to be able to apply for this program, you should be at least 18 years of age, in good health, and without a criminal record.
In addition, you are required to make a non-refundable contribution to the government.
The expected timeframe for the application process is 4 months in most cases. The first stage of the document collection can differ in length depending on the applicant’s ability to gather the documents. Our team guides this process with samples and best practice advice.
The reviewal stage is subject to the respective Government schedule and can be impacted by factors which we, as authorized agents have no control over. Skyways Immigration collaborates with the Government throughout the entire process, and we aim to provide the quickest and smoothest experience for the applicant.
Want to apply for a Vanuatu Program? Click below to start the process with our help.
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